Erich Lohmeyer

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Erich Lohmeyer (born May 10, 1886 in Kassel ; † August 5, 1966 ) was a German hydraulic and civil engineering engineer.

Lohmeyer received his doctorate in 1919 from the Technical University of Danzig (The demolition of concrete and masonry). He was Ministerialrat in the Prussian Ministry of Commerce in Berlin and later Chief Construction Director in Hamburg. As Ministerialrat he negotiated the Port Community Treaty of 1928 between Hamburg and Prussia on the Prussian side. From 1930 to 1933 he was in charge of electricity and port construction in Hamburg, which was founded in 1929 as a GmbH in partnership with Prussia in 1929. He was seen as ambitious but correct (and non-party) and a tireless worker who, as a Prussian, ran into problems in the administration in Hamburg. He was succeeded by Erich Bunnies, who had previously been the first building director and his predecessor in Lohmeyer, when the port construction was still part of the building authorities. Electricity and port construction again became part of an authority for technology and labor in 1933 (from 1936 part of the building administration authority).

After the Second World War he was the first chairman of the German Society for Earthworks and Foundations (1950 to 1960).

Lohmeyer was a specialist in foundation engineering, sheet pile walls and port construction. After the death of Ludwig Brennecke , he edited the new editions of Der Grundbau (last in 1948), which was a standard work at the time.

Since 1956 he had been an honorary doctor of the Technical University of Karlsruhe.

Fonts (selection)

  • with Ludwig Brennecke: Der Grundbau, Berlin: Ernst, 4th edition 1930
  • The tensions in the Larssenwand, Berlin: Ernst 1937 (reprint from Bautechnik, issue 53, 1937)
  • Experiments on the section modulus of iron sheet piles type "Larssen" with a compressed lock, Die Bautechnik, 1927

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Obituary in Bitumen, 1965
  2. Yearbook of the Hafenbautechnischen Gesellschaft, Volume 36, 1977/78, p. 56f