Ermengol Gassiot Ballbé

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Ermengol Gassiot Ballbé (born 1972) is a Catalan prehistoric at UAB and Secretary General of the Confederación General del Trabajo de Catalunya.

Ermengol Gassiot was elected General Secretary of the CGT in 2014. His program focuses on the connection of traditional syndicalism with the new social movements .

His academic research focus is the Neolithic and landscape archeology , occasionally he also deals with modern archeology such as mass graves from the Franco dictatorship .

He was arrested in February 2018 for participating in student protests against the Bologna Process from 2011 to 2013 . He and the 26 co-defendants, as well as students and a person from the administration, face between 11 and 14 years imprisonment for blocking streets and temporarily occupying the university rector's office.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Entrevista a Ermengol Gassiot, secretari general de la CGT. In: Retrieved February 28, 2018 (Catalan).
  2. Ermengol Gassiot: 'La CGT i l'independentisme s'acaben trobant en el camí'. In: May 3, 2014, accessed February 28, 2018 (Catalan).
  3. Antoni Bassas: La Fiscalia reclama 11 anys de Preso a cada un dels 27 encausats per l'ocupació del rectorat de la UAB. In: July 7, 2016, accessed February 28, 2018 (Catalan).
  4. Stronger than the repression. In: February 28, 2018, accessed February 28, 2018 .
  5. ^ Orden judicial de busca y captura contra el Secretario General de la CGT de Catalunya en el marco del proceso judicial del caso "27 y más" & nda. In: Retrieved February 28, 2018 (Spanish).