Ernst-August Bremicker

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Ernst-August Bremicker (* 1958 ) is a German entrepreneur and co-owner of the family company ABUS . He is also active as an author of evangelical writings and books.


Bremicker worked as an authorized signatory and managing director in the family-owned August Bremicker und Söhne KG (ABUS). Like other parts of the Bremicker family, he too stands in the tradition of the Free Church Brethren movement .

Bremicker published several books with Beröa (Zurich) and CSV (Hückeswagen), two publishers of the “closed” congregations.

Bremicker has been married since 1981 and has five children.

Publications (selection)

  • Expect the Lord. Understand the 1st Thessalonians better. Beröa, Zurich 1994.
  • Looking at the target. Between conversion and glory. Beröa, Zurich 2002.
  • From the heart for the Lord. The Prophet Haggai's message for then and now. Beröa, Zurich 2003.
  • What next, Peter? As a fisherman of men, a shepherd, a disciple. Answers from Johannes 21. Beröa, Zurich 2006.
  • The Christian in the field of tension in this world. Genesis 38 in the light of our time. CSV, Hückeswagen 2006.
  • The armor of God for the fight of faith based on Ephesians 6. Beroea, Zurich 2007.
  • Through suffering to glory. From the life of Joseph. CSV, Hückeswagen 2008.
  • Love engaged married. The Christian on the way to marriage. CSV, Hückeswagen 2009, ²2018.
  • Serve with love. Many tasks, one motivation. Beröa, Zurich 2013.
  • But first seek the kingdom of God. CSV, Hückeswagen 2014.
  • Children love living with children. Christian family in everyday life. CSV, Hückeswagen 2015.
  • Go to Nineveh. An interpretation of the prophet Jonah. CSV, Hückeswagen 2016.
  • Healthy in Faith. The letter to Titus simply explained. Beröa, Zurich 2017.
  • Legacy becomes appeal. An interpretation of 2nd Timothy. CSV, Hückeswagen 2018.
  • Win the heart. An interpretation of the letter to Philemon. CSV, Hückeswagen 2019.

Individual evidence