Ernst Fürlinger

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Ernst Fürlinger (born March 3, 1962 in Linz , Upper Austria ) is a Catholic theologian and religious scholar. He lives and works in Vienna.


Fürlinger received his master's degree (in Catholic theology) in Salzburg in 1991 and a doctorate in theology (in religious studies) in Vienna in 2005. From 1991 to 2001 he was head of studies at the St. Virgil Education Center in Salzburg , specializing in aesthetic education , political education and interreligious and intercultural dialogue . Between 1995 and 2001 he was the project leader of the “Austrian Poverty Conference”. In 1996 he was awarded the Salzburg State Promotion Prize for Adult Education. Since the winter semester 2006/2007 he has been a lecturer at the Institute for Religious Studies at the University of Vienna, since January 2007 research assistant in the Department of Intercultural Studies at the Danube University Krems near Vienna, since 2011 Head of the Center for Religion and Globalization at the Danube University Krems. In 2013 he completed his habilitation in religious studies at the University of Vienna .


  • Ernst Fürlinger, Senad Kusur (ed.) Islam and religious pluralism. Basics of a dialogical Muslim theology of religion (contributions to a theology of religions, vol. 17). Zurich: Theological Publishing House Zurich, 2019.
  • Ernst Fürlinger (ed.) Religious communities in Lower Austria in the context of migration and globalization. Krems: Edition Danube University, 2018.
  • Ernst Fürlinger (ed.) Muslim Diversity in Lower Austria, Krems: Edition Donau-Universität, 2014.
  • Ernst Fürlinger, Mosque construction conflicts in Austria. National Politics of Religious Space in the Global Age, Göttingen: v & r unipress, 2013.
  • Ernst Fürlinger (ed.) "The dialogue must go on". Selected Vatican Documents on Interreligious Dialogue 1964–2008. Freiburg: Herder, 2009.
  • Ernst Fürlinger. Understand by touch. Interreligious hermeneutics using the example of the non-dualistic Shaivism of Kashmir (Salzb. Theol. Studien 29, Interkulturell 4) Innsbruck / Vienna: Tyrolia, October 2006 ( ISBN 3-7022-2787-3 )
  • Das, Sadananda u. Ernst Fürlinger (ed.), Samarasya. Studies in Indian Arts, Philosophy, and Interreligious Dialogue. In honor of Bettina Bäumer, New Delhi, DK Printworld 2005 ( ISBN 81-246-0338-3 )
  • Helga Embacher , Josef Mautner u. Ernst Fürlinger (ed.), Salzburg: Views, Salzburg, Residence 1999
  • Nuscheler, Franz u. Ernst Fürlinger (ed.), Fewer People through Less Poverty? Population growth - global crisis and ethical challenge, Salzburg 1994