War of conquest

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The war of conquest is a war that is waged in order to expand one's own sphere of influence to include areas of another state . The aim is to gain territorial sovereignty over a previously unfamiliar area. Often it is a war of aggression ; it is not considered a just war .

The war of conquest differs with this goal among other things

Other opposing reasons for war are e.g. B. securing trade routes and raw material sources , exerting political influence or expanding the sphere of influence of political ideology , or protecting civilians or their own citizens from attacks by radical groups. A border war is not directly a war of conquest either, since it is usually about securing or defining the course of the border according to one's own point of view.


Often the type of war cannot be clearly determined because several reasons or motives play a role and / or the real reason is ideologically veiled, at least at times when a legitimation of one's own actions vis-à-vis the people or international politics requires is.

The term stands regardless of whether the war is an aggressive, a defensive or a preventive war . These terms are defined by the course of the conflict, while the war of conquest is defined by the primary goal.


  • Anne Lipp: From War of Defense to War of Conquest . In: Dies .: Control of opinion in war. War experiences of German soldiers and their interpretation 1914–1918. Göttingen 2003, pp. 201-204.
  • Manfred P. Emmes: The foreign policies of the USA, Japan and Germany in mutual influence from the middle of the 19th to the end of the 20th century . Münster 2000, pp. 97-107.
  • Gerhard Fritz: The French invasion of southwest Germany in 1693: causes - consequences - problems; Contributions from the Backnang Symposium on September 10 and 11, 1993 . Ramshalden-Buoch 1994.
  • The war becomes a war of conquest . In: Politischeberichte, Vol. 24 (2003), pp. 3–7.
  • Wilhelm Liebknecht : Against militarism and the war of conquest - from writings and speeches . Berlin 1986.
  • Kurt von Raumer : The destruction of the Palatinate in 1689 in connection with the French policy on the Rhine . 1st edition Munich / Berlin 1930. New edition Bad Neustadt / adSaale 1982.
  • Jakob Seibert: “Panhellenic Crusade”, national war, campaign of revenge or Macedonian war of conquest? Reflections on the causes of the war against Persia , in: Wolfgang Will (ed.), Alexander the Great. A world conquest and its background. Lectures at the International Alexander Colloquium in Bonn, 19. – 21. December 1996 , Bonn 1998, p. 3 ff.
  • Paul-Ludwig Christmas: War of Conquest at Machiavelli, Vitoria, Montesquieu and Kant . In: Iustitia et pax (2008), pp. 731-750.
  • Paul-Ludwig Christmas: War of Conquest and Defense Propaganda. Law - Discrediting - Prohibition . In: Zeitschrift für Politik, Vol. 55 (2008), pp. 413-434.
  • Contemporary history: The Nazi economic policy was based on exploitation, robbery and a war of conquest . In: Profil, 30, (2010), pp. 34-40.

Web links

Wiktionary: War of Conquest  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations