Eschenburg room

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Eschenburg spaces are an important class of examples in the mathematical field of differential geometry . They are the simplest non-homogeneous examples of positively curved manifolds .


The Eschenburg rooms are created as a biquotient of a left and right effect of the district group on the special unitary group .

Let be and triples of integers with . Then we consider the two-sided effect of on the Lie group , which is also effective through left multiplication with the diagonal matrix and right multiplication . The biquotient of this effect is the Eschenburg area


The effect is a free effect if and only if is not to be conjugated , i.e. if


For you get the Aloff Wallach rooms .


The metric induced by a certain left-invariant metric on has positive section curvature if and only if



There are a number of diffeomorphisms between Eschenburg spaces. Thus every permutation of the entries in or induces a diffeomorphic manifold. It applies and there is an (orientation-reversing) diffeomorphism between and . Furthermore, adding the same integer to all entries of and creates a diffeomorphic space.

The isometric group of an Eschenburg area has rank .

In particular, each Eschenburg room positive sectional curvature has a unique representation with


The following applies to the cohomology groups

with . The producer of is the square of the producer of .


  • J.-H. Eschenburg : New examples of manifolds with strictly positive curvature , Invent. Math. 66, 469-480 (1982)
  • K. Shankar: Strong inhomogeneity of Eschenburg spaces , Mich. Math. J. 50, 125-141 (2002)
  • L. Astor, E. Micha, G. Pastor: On the homotopy type of Eschenburg spaces with positive sectional curvature , Proc. AMS 132, 3725-3729 (2004)
  • B. Krüggel: Homeomorphism and diffeomorphism classification of Eschenburg spaces , Quart. J. Math. 56, 553-577 (2005)
  • K. Grove , K. Shankar, W. Ziller : Symmetries of Eschenburg spaces and the Chern problem , Asian J. Math. 10, 647-661 (2006)
  • T. Chinburg, C. Escher, W. Ziller: Topological properties of Eschenburg spaces and 3-Sasakian manifolds , Math. Ann. 339, 3-20 (2007)

Individual evidence

  1. Eschenburg, op. Cit.
  2. Grove-Shankar-Ziller, op. Cit.