Estelle Freedman

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Estelle Freedman (* 1947) is an American historian and author . She is professor of American history at Stanford University in California, where she has taught since 1976. Freedman is a co-founder of the Feminism Studies program. She researches women's history, social upheavals such as feminism and the reform of women's prisons, as well as the history of sexuality and sexual violence.


After her Bachelor of Arts from Barnard College in 1969, Freedman studied history at Columbia University in New York. In 1976, after completing her doctorate, she got a job as a professor at Stanford University . As an author, she has written several books in which she deals in particular with the subject of the history of feminism . Freedman lives in San Francisco with her partner Susan Krieger .

Works (selection)

  • The Essential Feminist Reader , Modern Library, 2007
  • Feminism, Sexuality, and Politics , Essays by Estelle B. Freedman, University of North Carolina Press, 2006
  • No Turning Back: The History of Feminism and the Future of Women , Ballantine Books, 2002
  • Maternal Justice: Miriam Van Waters and the Female Reform Tradition , University of Chicago Press, 1996
  • Intimate Matters: A History of Sexuality in America , collaborated with John D'Emilio , University of Chicago Press, Second Edition, 1997
  • Their Sisters' Keepers: Women's Prison Reform in America, 1830-1930 , University of Michigan Press, 1981

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