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Eswero (Russian Эсверо , English Esvero ) is an umbrella organization of non-governmental organizations in Russia that support people with HIV and drug addicts.


The main focuses of the activity are

  • financial support
  • technical support of the therapy programs
  • Information exchange and networking
  • social development
  • research
  • Legal counsel


The network was founded in 2003 and registered in 2004. Today it includes 26 organizations and 17 professionals and activists.

Eswero works with international organizations such as UNAIDS , UNODC , WHO and others, as well as national organizations, authorities and regional administrations. It is financially supported by several international foundations and organizations such as the Global Fund To Fight AiDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM), the Aids Foundation East West, the Ford Foundation , OSI and others.

On June 22, 2016, it was registered as an " Organization in the Function of a Foreign Agent ". Since then some organizations have already stopped working together.

Web links


  1. Russia: HIV organizations classified as "foreign agents" for the first time Deutsche Aids-Hilfe, July 8, 2016