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Eszergallen (also: Eschergallen ) is the German name of three places in Poland and Russia:

in Poland:

  • Kiepojcie in the Powiat Gołdapski in the Warmia-Masurian Voivodeship ( Eszergallen, Parish Dubeningken (Dubeningen) , 1938–1945 Grayling , District Goldap / East Prussia)

in Russia:

  • Kedrowo in Osjorsk Rajon in Kaliningrad Oblast ( Eszergallen , 1938–1946 Seehügel , Darkehmen district (Angerapp) / East Prussia) [the place no longer exists]
  • Rutscheiki (Kaliningrad) in the Osjorsk district in the Kaliningrad Oblast ( Eszergallen, Gawaiten parish (Herzogsrode) , 1938–1946 Tiefenort , Goldap district / East Prussia)