Center thought roof

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The Gedankendach center is a culture and science center in the western Ukrainian city ​​of Chernivtsi . It is located at the Yuri Fedkovych National University . The Gedankendach Center is supported by the Goethe-Institut Ukraine.


The center was founded in autumn 2009 and is home to both the “Ukrainian-German Cultural Society” and the “Center for German-Language Studies”. The tasks of the center include the implementation of art, cultural and educational projects, but also the promotion and maintenance of scientific collaborations and project work with artists and partners from German-speaking countries.


The term "thought roof" comes from the poem "The Architects" by Rose Ausländer . With reference to one of the city's most famous poets, he takes up the rich German-speaking past of Chernivtsi. On the other hand, it creates a connection to the written or spoken German word in a foreign language environment, which is the basis for the work of the center - both in culture and in science. DA-CH (as an abbreviation for Germany, Austria, Switzerland) also stands for the cross-border orientation of the center, which cooperates with all German-speaking countries.

The architects

A house made of imagination
Thought roof
words made of syllable foam
Spring that
advertises you with colors
the arteries of summer
in your ear
bleeds for you the autumn
inventor of winter
your imagination is so white
Yes there are still
builders of immaterial dwellings
behind concrete and stone
they are building them the space
for all of us.

- Rose Foreigner (1976)

Individual evidence

  1. Rose Ausländer: In the ash rain the trace of your name, poems and prose 1976; S. Fischer, Frankfurt a. M., 1984, p. 66.

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