DA-CH or DACH is an artificial word or an apronym for Germany , Austria and Switzerland - and thus for the largest part of the linguistic and economic area in which standard German is the umbrella language . The small states of Liechtenstein and / or Luxembourg or the German-speaking minorities in Italy , Belgium and / or Denmark are often included.
It is formed from the national symbols of the three countries:
- D (for Germany ),
- A (for Austria , Latin Austria ) and
- CH (for Switzerland , Latin Confoederatio Helvetica ).
In this ranking, the countries appear rather randomly according to their size - be it area or population.
The abbreviation GSA is used for the English-language equivalent of Germany, Switzerland, Austria .
The word is used, for example, as a title for events such as conferences ("DA-CH-Tagung"), for joint projects between these three countries, in company organizations (sales structure) and for maps for navigation devices that cover the area of these countries.
- Language, Institute for German Language
- Nutrition, e.g. B. DA-CH reference values for nutrient intake : The German Society for Nutrition e. V. (DGE), the Austrian Society for Nutrition (ÖGE), the Swiss Society for Nutrition Research (SGE) and the Swiss Nutrition Association (SVE) agreed on common reference values for nutrient intake for the first time in 2000. Based on the usual characteristics of the countries involved (Germany = D; Austria = A; Switzerland = CH), the new reference values are referred to as DACH reference values.
- Associations: Mediation DACH e. V., European Lawyers' Association DACH, DA-CH tax committee (including Liechtenstein)
- The Citynightline was in the early stages as DACH Hotelzug AG referred.
- In the company name FlixBus DACH
Expanding variants
- DACH + is an Interreg III A initiative of the European Union , Switzerland and Liechtenstein . The aim of the project is to establish joint spatial planning in the Alpine Rhine - Lake Constance - High Rhine area and to strengthen cross-border cooperation. The plus in the name symbolizes the Principality of Liechtenstein, in addition to the DA-CH countries.
- As extended variants of the acronym DACH , DACHL and DACHLI or DA-CH-LI for Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Liechtenstein / Luxembourg and DACHS for the regions Germany, Austria, Switzerland and South Tyrol are used .
Individual evidence
- ↑ Brochure for the CNL double-decker sleeper, ordered in 1992 by DACH Hotelzug AG
- ^ "DACH +" project , initiative homepage
- ^ Stefan Pohlmann: Age and Prevention . Springer-Verlag, 2016, ISBN 978-3-658-11991-1 , pp. 185 ( [accessed on November 29, 2018] Example of a mention, here: " ... project group financed by the European Social Fund of the occupational therapy professional associations from Germany (D), Austria (A), Switzerland (CH) and South Tyrol ( S) - briefly called the DACHS project - ... “).