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Ethias is a Belgian insurance group from Liège / Belgium , which also acts as a bank. Until 2003 it was called SMAP (Société Mutuelle des Administrations Publiques, i.e. mutual insurance company for public administrations) in the French-speaking part and OMOB (Onderlinge Maatschappij der Openbare Besturen) in the Dutch-speaking part of the country. The company changed its name and a. also for reasons of uniformity in the three language areas of the country.


In 1919 a group of municipal and provincial administrations founded the mutual insurance company of public administrations against fire, lightning and explosions, it was called "SMAP".

Initially it was aimed at the public sector and public companies, and since January 2000 it has also been available to private companies and individuals.

Current status

Combining all lines of business, Ethias is the third largest insurer in the country with a market share of 12.9%. Ethias is a Belgian, independent company.

target group

Public sector and corporate

Ethias (then SMAP) was established by representatives of public authorities and is by definition the insurer of the public sector and its servants.

The number of its members has increased considerably over the years. Today she insures, among other things:

  • the federal state, the regions and the communities
  • the constituted bodies (chamber, senate, parliaments of the regions and communities ...)
  • the 10 provinces
  • more than 540 cities and municipalities
  • hundreds of public welfare centers and social housing associations
  • Thousands of intermunicipal and parastatal companies, institutions of public interest and associations of various kinds

Since January 1, 2000, Ethias has also been accessible to private companies.

Private individuals

In January 2000, Ethias officially became available to everyone and no longer exclusively insures public sector employees and their dependents.


The structure of the Ethias group consists of different levels.

  • At the top is the mutual insurance association "Ethias Gemeines Recht". He is approved for the practice of the branches "Accidents" and "Illness". “Ethias Gemeines Recht” is jointly with the Belgian State, the Walloon Region and the Flemish Community as a shareholder in the holding “Ethias Finance AG”.
  • "Ethias Finance AG" owns 100% of the shares in "Ethias AG".
  • "Ethias AG" is an insurance company licensed to practice all non-life insurance branches, life insurance, marriage and birth insurance as well as capitalization business. Ethias AG for its part holds all of the holdings in the other companies in the group.

For every association or for every society:

  • The general assembly of the members or the shareholders discusses or approves the invoices, gives discharge to the board of directors, decides on the proposals to amend the articles of association and to distribute the reimbursements of contributions or profit sharing.
  • The Board of Directors determines the general policy of the company and oversees its management.
  • The management committee is entrusted with the management and effective management of the association or society.


Ethias is a sponsor of the Belgian Basketball League, the Ethias League, and gives its name to the Ethias Arena .

Web links