Eugene Bea

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Eugen Bea (born September 29, 1898 in Aichhalden ; † July 12, 1969 in Stuttgart ) was a German politician ( SPD ).


Bea attended schools in Schramberg, Rottenburg am Neckar and a German-Italian private school in Venice. He completed his commercial apprenticeship at Arthuro Junghans in Venice. He served as a soldier in both World War I and World War II. After 1919 he was initially a commercial clerk, traveler and sales manager, and later for many years as commercial director in Stuttgart, Berlin, Vienna, Hamburg, Cologne and Immendingen . Even before 1914 he joined the socialist youth workers and the workers gymnastics and sports club. In 1916 he joined the SPD. On September 15, 1946, he was elected to the Immendingen local council and on April 13, 1948, he succeeded the retired member of Parliament, Kurt Reinhard, in the Baden state parliament, to which he was a member until its dissolution in 1952.


  • Karl Joseph Rößler: The Badische Landtag , Freiburg i.Br .: Rombach 1949, p. 102.
  • Landtag of Baden-Württemberg (ed.): MdL, The Members of the Landtag in Baden-Württemberg 1946–1978 , Stuttgart 1978, ISBN 3-12-911930-2 , p. 97