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Eunuchus (= The Blended) is a comedy by Terenz (= Publius Terentius Afer) based on a play by Menander . It was founded in 161 BC. First performed at the ludi Megalenses .

There are early translations into German by the Prince-Bishop of Brixen Sebastian Sprenz (* approx. 1480; † 1525) and the Mayor of Ulm, Hans Neithart .


  • Phaedria, a young Athenian
  • Parmeno, his slave
  • Thais, a hetaera
  • Gnatho, a parasite
  • Chaerea, Phaedria's brother
  • Thraso, a soldier
  • Pythias, slave of the Thai people
  • Chremes, a young Athenian
  • Antipho, a young Athenian
  • Dorias, slave of the Thais
  • Dorus, a eunuch
  • Sanga, slave of Thraso
  • Sophrona, a wet nurse
  • Laches, father of Phaedria and Chaerea


The young Athenian Phaedria loves the hetaera Thais, who comes from abroad, but has a rival in the boastful soldier Thraso. He wants to give her an Ethiopian slave and the eunuch Dorus. Thraso, in turn, gives her a young girl, Pamphila, who was stolen and sold from Attica as a toddler. Thais would like to give them back to the Athenian citizen Chremes, Pamphila's brother, in order to get a protector in Athens. Phaedria's brother Chaerea falls in love with Pamphila and, on the advice of Phaedria's slave Parmenio, disguises himself as Dorus and takes him to Thais' house, where he rapes Pamphila and flees. In the end, after everything has been clarified, he receives her as his wife, and Phaedria and Thraso share the Thais.

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