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Euphorbus was a Greek doctor who was the personal physician of Juba II , a ruler of the Kingdom of Mauritania at the turn of the 1st century BC. BC to the 1st century AD, is documented.

Live and act

Euphorbus was the brother of Antonius Musa , Augustus' personal physician . Pliny the Elder reports in his Naturalis historia that Juba II is said to have named a plant he discovered after his doctor Euphorbea . Pliny also describes how the milky sap was obtained from the plants growing in the Atlas Mountains . This plant was probably Euphorbia officinarum or Euphorbia resinifera .

According to Galen of Pergamon , King Juba II is said to have written a book about the healing power of the plant.

Honor taxon

Antoine-Tristan Danty d'Isnard named a genus Euphorbium in his honor . Carl von Linné later changed the spelling to Euphorbia . The genus belongs to the plant family of milkweed plants (Euphorbiaceae).


Individual evidence

  1. Pliny the Elder: Naturalis historia . 5:16 and 25:77.
  2. ^ Gordon Douglas Rowley : A History of Succulent Plants . Strawberry Press, 1997, p. 22. ISBN 0-912647-16-0
  3. ^ Carl von Linné: Critica Botanica . Leiden 1737, p. 132
  4. Carl von Linné: Genera Plantarum . Leiden 1742, p. 237.