
from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Eupion is a substance that was discovered by Karl von Reichenbach (1788–1869) in wood tar and that can be obtained from the decomposing distillation of numerous other substances such as coal, wood, rubber, bones and natural oil.

Eupion was described as the "liquid with the lowest specific weight " and assigned to the hydrocarbons from the series of paraffins . Possibly it should have been a pentane , C 5 H 12 . It is a colorless, odorless, oily and inflammable liquid; with a melting point of −15.5  ° C (4  ° F ) and a boiling point of 170.6 ° C (339 ° F). It has a specific gravity of 0.65 at 20 ° C and is soluble in pure alcohol : 100 parts of Eupion in 33 parts of alcohol (63 ° F).

As far as we know today, no pure substance can be assigned to these historical data.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Robert Dunglison (1838), Dunglison's American medical library , part 3, p. 192 ( limited preview in the Google book search).