
from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Eupompos ( ancient Greek Εὔπομπος , Latinized Eupompus , German also Eupomp ) was a Greek painter of antiquity. He lived in the 4th century BC. BC and was the founder of the painting school of Sikyon . One of his most famous students is Pamphilus , who in turn was the teacher of Apelles .

The work of Eupompus marked the division of ancient Greek painting into the Ionic, Seckyon and Attic schools. The only known work by his hand is the picture of a winner in a sporting competition with a palm branch in hand.

We are only informed of his life and work through Pliny the Elder . This narrated the anecdote that Eupompus the Lysippos , had the question out which artist he should imitate only shown a crowd and recommended emulate only nature itself, no other artist.
