European Confederation of Conservator-Restorers' Organization

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The European Confederation of Conservator-Restorers 'Organization (s) (ECCO) is the "European Association of Restorers' Associations". It was founded in 1991 by 14 restoration associations.

ECCO currently represents around 6000 restorers from 25 member associations in 22 countries. Only professional associations whose full members are conservators-restorers can claim full membership in ECCO. The restorers in Germany are represented in ECCO by a delegate from the Association of Restorers (VDR). The VDR with its almost 2000 full members is the ECCO member with the largest number of members.

goals and tasks

ECCO is committed to the professional interests of restorers on a European level. The association has the task of organizing, developing and promoting the profession of conservator-restorer centrally on a practical, scientific and cultural level.

Since it was founded, ECCO has established principles at international level, developed standards for access to the profession of conservator-restorer and published guidelines for training and practice. Because high standards in conservation and restoration practice make a decisive contribution to preserving the cultural heritage for future generations.

ECCO calls since 2018 every year the "European day of conservation-restoration" ( European Day of Restoration ) from.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ECCO members
  2. / professional guidelines I
  3. professional guidelines II
  4. Berufsrichlinien III
  5. Competencies for access to the profession of conservator-restorer
  6. .7ebde79abfde79abf