European Savings Banks Group

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The European Savings Banks Group (ESBG) is a European banking association based in Brussels , which represents the interests of its 26 members at the EU institutions. The focus here is particularly on the private customer business. It was founded in 1963 under the name 'Savings Banks Group of the European Economic Community' and renamed the 'European Savings Banks Group' in 1988. The office in Brussels is also the seat of the sister organization of the 'World Savings Banks Institute' - this was originally founded in Milan in 1924.


The association formulates the position of its members in relation to questions that arise in connection with the European financial services industry . In addition, the association should serve as a cooperation forum and make it easier for its members to search for consortium partners on a bilateral or multilateral basis. Another goal is to contribute to increasing the operational efficiency of its members through technical advice and training. Regular committees and working groups are intended to ensure a permanent and extensive exchange between the ESBG and its members.


The main purpose is to give the savings and private banking business a voice in Europe. The focus here is on three aspects:

  • Strengthening and concretising the profile of the savings banks in front of the EU institutions and interest groups (interest representation). In the area of ​​interest representation in the EU institutions, the strategic priority of the ESBG is to promote pluralism in the European banking industry. All financial institutions should have the same basic requirements and thus benefit from a uniform framework.
  • Supporting platforms for joint initiatives and projects (business cooperation / economic cooperation). In the area of ​​economic cooperation, the ESBG strives to simplify the creation of platforms for the exchange of experiences between members. Corresponding initiatives have taken place in the area of ​​advising medium-sized companies and banking technology.
  • The introduction of technical support programs (consultancy services). In the area of ​​advice, the ESBG offers technical support in cooperation with multilateral agencies. Examples of this are the cooperation projects between the EU and China in the field of financial services, the EU project to disseminate information on the impact of Basel II on small and medium-sized enterprises .


The association is supported by two institutions: the General Assembly and the "Board of Directors". The general assembly consists of all ESBG members and meets once a year. The "Board of Directors" determines the general guidelines and meets at least twice a year. The activities of the ESBG are advised by a number of committees and working groups. Topics covered range from regulation and supervision to banking technology and cooperation. A coordination committee is to ensure smooth cooperation with the sister organization WSBI (World Savings Bank Institute).

The organization runs a secretariat headed by Chris De Noose in Brussels, whose international orientation is intended to reflect the three pillars of ESBG activities - advocacy, economic cooperation and advice.

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