Evangelical parish church Braunau am Inn

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Evangelical parish church in Braunau am Inn

The Evangelical Parish Church of Braunau am Inn in the municipality of Braunau am Inn in Upper Austria was created in the years 1862–1866 by converting a building built in 1624. The parish is part of the Evangelical Church AB in Austria and belongs to the Evangelical Superintendentur Upper Austria . The Braunau Church is also called the Church of Gratitude . Under the title Evang. Parish church AB (formerly Schüttkasten) and Küsterhaus it is under monument protection ( list entry ).

The Protestant Church

The building was originally built in 1624 as a granary for the Capuchin monastery. In 1784, with the monastery reform by Emperor Joseph II, the Braunau monastery was also closed. In 1862 the merchant Jakob Schönthaler acquired the property and converted the property into a Protestant church by 1866. In 1866 the church of gratitude was consecrated. In 1970 and 1971 the building was completely renovated.

In the more than 150 years of existence of the Church of Gratitude, there have been several renovations. Nowadays the worship room is on the 1st floor. Several Passion pictures by the Linz artist Prof. Johannes Schreiber (1922–2010) hang here. Two modern stained glass windows by Walter Riemer provide a new interpretation of the Pauline juxtaposition "Adam - Christ" ( Rom 5,12-21  LUT ). In the staircase there is a relief with the motif “The Prodigal Son”, designed by the Innviertel sculptor Rupert Rothböck. The Braunau artist Resl Schröder-Lechner was responsible for the copper portal at the entrance. The Schönthalersaal is on the ground floor. Here the parish celebrates community festivals, after-work meals, school and evening services. In the Jakob-Stüberl opposite, the presbytery, a discussion group, the women's club, the children's church and a self-help group meet.

History of the Protestant Congregation

After the publication of Martin Luther's 95 theses, the Protestant faith soon spread in the Innviertel, which at that time still belonged to Bavaria. The council of the town of Braunau hired evangelical preachers. This is particularly noticeable in communion "under both forms" (= host and wine for all believers) and in (partly) German-language masses. In addition, the schoolmasters taught according to Luther's catechism. The Wittelsbach rulers tolerated this for a long time. Around 1570 Braunau became Roman Catholic again in the course of the Counter-Reformation. In 1779 the Innviertel and with it the city of Braunau came to Austria through the peace treaty of Teschen on May 13, 1779.

The tolerance patent of 1781 issued by Emperor Joseph II allowed the reestablishment of Protestant parishes in the Habsburg lands. In today's Austria a total of 48 tolerance communities were created by 1795. In Braunau the number of believers was too few to start a church. In 1784, Emperor Joseph II dissolved the Braunau Capuchin monastery. The main building was later redesigned into the city theater, and the adjacent granary was converted into a Protestant church from 1862 onwards. In 1863 Braunau left the pastoral care provided by Attersee, which now took place from Salzburg. In 1866 the parish festival of the Gratitude Church was celebrated. In 1899 the parish uprising was initiated. In 1900 Braunau became an independent parish.

From 1944 onwards there was a sharp increase in the number of people requiring pastoral care due to the war refugees. Within a few weeks, the number of Protestants in the parish increased from 500 to around 10,000. Most of the refugees moved on over the next few years. Further parish surveys reduced the territory of the parish of Braunau, the parishes of Schärding (1952), Ried im Innkreis (1953) and Mattighofen (1961) were removed. The parish celebrated its 100th birthday in 2000. In the same year, due to lack of funds, the Württemberg regional church finally stopped financing the vicarage in Mauerkirchen, which had been endowed for many years. In 2016 the Protestant community celebrated the 150th consecration of the Church of Gratitude.

The parish of Braunau includes the following churches: Gratitude Church Braunau, Erlöserkirche Mauerkirchen, Gnadenkirche Horchburg-Ach, Resurrection Church Riedersbach as well as the church service hall in Altheim and in the house for senior citizens Mauerkirchen.


  • Leopold Temmel : Evangelical in Upper Austria. Career and existence of the Evangelical Church . 1st edition. Oberösterreichischer Landesverlag, Linz 1982, ISBN 3-85214-334-9 .
  • Helmuth K. Koehrer: Evangelical Upper Austria today . 1st edition. Almesberger, Linz 1994.
  • Peter F. Barton: Evangelical in Austria . 1st edition. Böhlau Verlag, Vienna Cologne Graz 1987, ISBN 3-205-05096-7 .

Web links

Commons : Evangelical Parish Church Braunau am Inn  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b c Leopold Temmel: Evangelical in Upper Austria. Career and existence of the Evangelical Church . 1st edition. Oberösterreichischer Landesverlag, Linz 1982, ISBN 3-85214-334-9 , p. 125-130 .
  2. Helmut K. Koehrer: Evangelical Upper Austria today . 1st edition. Almesberger, Linz 1994, p. 27-32 .
  3. Our churches: The Braunau Church of Gratitude. Evangelische Pfarrgemeinde AB Braunau, June 5, 2019, accessed on May 5, 2020 .
  4. a b History of the Evangelical Congregation in Braunau. Evangelische Pfarrgemeinde AB Braunau, June 5, 2019, accessed on May 5, 2020 .
  5. ^ Peter F. Barton: Evangelical in Austria . 1st edition. Böhlau, Vienna Cologne Graz 1987, ISBN 3-205-05096-7 , p. 129, 203 .

Coordinates: 48 ° 15 ′ 34.5 "  N , 13 ° 2 ′ 10.8"  E