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The term ex-in (often written out as Experienced Involvement , from English , German inclusion of experienced) stands for a model launched by the European Union in 2005 . The model (and thus also the training) is based on the conviction that people who have gone through psychological crises can use these personal experiences to understand and support other people in similar situations. On this basis, a Europe-wide training program (curriculum) was developed. In twelve modules, the participants deal intensively with relevant topics and are supported by a team of moderators. From their individual experiences, the "I-knowledge", the participants form a common view, the "we-knowledge", through continuous exchange and reflection in the group, which is characterized by diversity on the one hand and consensus on the other. During the training, the participants become experts in their own experience and competent actors within the psychiatric system. Last but not least, the participants get to know and use their personal strengths and resources better.

The term ex-in recovery companion or ex-in experience expert stands for a person who, in the role of a patient, has received psychiatric treatment himself and has completed ex-in training. In this new role, you help other people through their crises.


The inclusion of therapy experienced patients in the treatment of other patients goes back to ideas of the 1980s in Great Britain and the Netherlands . Even Norway looks back on a long tradition of this approach, though not on psychiatric field, but on the physical disabilities . This is often referred to as peer support or peer counseling .

Between 2005 and 2007 the EU developed the basis for the Europe-wide project as part of the Leonardo da Vinci vocational training program . In addition to Germany, Great Britain, the Netherlands, Norway, Slovenia and Sweden were involved. There are now numerous other local institutions and associations with ex-in projects in Germany that strengthen the idea and offer courses.

Training process

Method of mediation

The training program of most providers stipulates that a team of moderators consisting of two certified trainers with different backgrounds - psychiatry experience, professional experience, relatives experience - leads the course together. The moderators present the models and topics in each module. Then the participants go into self-reflection on the topic and formulate their ideas and approaches for themselves, the “I-knowledge”. In a partner or group work, these individual ideas are collected and further developed. The result is mostly a graphic implementation or summary of the ideas that are then presented to the group of participants, the "we-knowledge".


A training course within the meaning of the project consists of twelve three-day modules, each comprising 22 lessons of 45 minutes each.

  • Promotion of health and well-being (salutogenesis)
  • Empowerment in theory and practice
  • Experience and participation
  • Trialogue
  • Perspectives and experiences of recovery
  • Independent advocate in psychiatry
  • Self-exploration
  • Assessment (holistic inventory)
  • Accompany and support
  • Crisis intervention
  • Learning and teaching

The training also includes internships and a portfolio with individual inventory and future planning.

Areas of application

The involvement of experienced experts in psychiatric care is politically desirable and is demanded by interest groups. Areas of application for recovery companions are increasingly being created. Many institutions, from clinics to social-psychiatric centers to research facilities, recognize the benefits of empirical knowledge and integrate recovery companions into their offers.

Organizations around ex-in

Various organizations in Germany ensure that the idea of ​​ex-in is carried on. Regional and supra-regional interest groups are just as important as training providers and potential employers. Current training opportunities are published on the pages of the interest groups or their national companies

Advocacy groups

  • EX-IN Germany eV as the umbrella organization
  • EX-IN NRW eV - participation (psychiatric experienced)


  • Jörg Utschakowski: Working with peers: guidelines for employing experts from experience (psychosocial work aids) . Psychiatrie Verlag, Cologne 2015, ISBN 978-3-88414-625-5 .
  • Jörg Utschakowski, Gyöngyvér Sielaff u. a .: Experts by experience: peer work in psychiatry (specialist knowledge) . Psychiatrie Verlag, Cologne 2015, ISBN 978-3-88414-582-1 .
  • Jörg Utschakowski, Gyöngyvér Sielaff: From Experienced to Expert: How Peers Change Psychiatry (Expertise) . Psychiatrie Verlag, Cologne 2013, ISBN 978-3-88414-470-1 .
  • Bettina Jahnke: From I-knowledge to we-knowledge: With EX-IN to a recovery companion . Paranus Verlag - Die Brücke Neumünster gGmbH, Neumünster 2012, ISBN 978-3-940636-22-5 .
  • Bettina Jahnke: EX-IN cultural landscapes: Twelve conversations on the question: How does inclusion work? Paranus Verlag - Die Brücke Neumünster gGmbH, Neumünster 2014, ISBN 978-3-940636-31-7 .

Web links

See also


Individual evidence

  1. the shortened form of the made-up word “Ex-In” is almost only used in German
  2. a b Project description - training program: ex-in-owl.de: Curriculum for the qualification of experts through experience in health care (193 kB)
  3. Mark Salzer: Consumer-delivered services as a best practice in mental health care and the development of practice guidelines. Psychiatric rehabilitation skills 6: 355-382, 2002
  4. ec.europa.eu: Lifelong Learning , Leonardo da Vinci funding program
  5. results paper of JSC "home treatment" of the federal network self-help mental health - and Power (5.Peers) website and Power
  6. Internet presence EX-IN Germany eV [1]
  7. Internet presence EX-IN NRW eV - participation (psychiatric experienced) [2]