Exclamatio (music)

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Exclamatio ( Latin for exclamation ) is the name adopted from rhetoric for a musical figure of the baroque doctrine of affect . According to common practice, the exclamatio can be associated with all upward jumps that are greater than a third .

According to Johann Gottfried Walther , the exclamatio is the leap up a minor sixth and equates to the ekphonesis . In 1739 Johann Mattheson describes several types of exclamatio. In Johann Adolf disc (1745) states that the Exclamatio to be guided upwards, namely konsonierend or dissonance depending on the happy or sad affect.

Sources and literature (chronological)

  • Johann Gottfried Walther: Musical Lexicon. Deer, Leipzig 1732 ( archive.org ).
  • Dietrich Bartel: Handbook of musical figure theory . 4th rev. Ed., Laaber-Verlag, Laaber 1997, ISBN 3-89007-340-9 .

Individual evidence

  1. See Walther 1732, p. 233.