Executive Producer
Executive Producer ( EP ) is a job title in the entertainment industry , which is mainly used in the film and television sector as well as in the music industry , but also in video games . In Germany, the translation of “executive producer ” is common for executive producers , but it is misleading. The correct translation would be “executive producer”. In English, a managing director or senior executives working in management is referred to as executive .
In Germany, Austria and Switzerland, the economic and organizational monitoring of a film or television project is the responsibility of the production manager, who usually reports to a production manager . Unlike in Germany, the EP can be the head of department in US networks and major broadcasters for certain departments (e.g. sports, news). Some EPs can also be the owners of production companies and are then comparable to classic German contract producers. Celebrities (e.g. a leading actor) can also be listed as EP in the USA , for example because they increase media attention. It is also possible that the main investor in a project is referred to as the EP .
Job description
An executive producer determines the content and financial framework of one or more projects without being involved in every single artistic or technical aspect of the production. He leads the line and TV producers responsible for the individual projects , leads the development of ideas and examines their marketing opportunities. He also plans the financing, monitors the overall budget and its use, leads the negotiations with broadcasters, their programming, advertisers and sponsors and is also the final decision-maker in the selection of authors, directors, actors and production employees. He is ultimately responsible for the success or failure of a project.
Education and career prospects
An EP usually has a degree in mass media , communication or radio / television and has usually worked as a producer or production manager for several years. At the moment, however, there are also some EPs working in Germany who come from managerial positions in other administrative professions, such as banking. EPs are well paid based on the flexibility and skill required for the position. Furthermore, they sometimes share in the profits of the respective production company. Some EPs take advantage of their experience, set up their own companies and develop their own programs, which they then offer to the broadcasters.
- Hans-Peter Gumprecht: Quiet please. UVK-Verlag, Konstanz 1999, ISBN 3-89669-262-3
- Diana Iljine, Klaus Keil: The producer. The job description of the film and television producer in Germany . TR-Verlagsunion , Munich 1997, ISBN 3-8058-3474-8 ( Film production series , Vol. 1)
- Bernd Klepin: Producer - a foreign word . Aim, Cologne 1999 (Nemoqua seminar scripts)
- Nemoqua (Ed.): Producer Symposium 21./22. June 1997 . Aim, Cologne 1997 (manuscript)