Expert standard fall prevention

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The Expert standard fall prophylaxis in nursing is one of the German Network for Quality Development in Nursing published and (DNQP) in Germany as standard introduced policy to prevent falls . Its aim is to avoid falls and the consequences of falls, especially in care facilities, by recognizing the causal risks and dangers and removing them if possible. It is aimed at professional nurses who look after people in need of care either in the hospital , in their home environment or in an inpatient care facility for the elderly . The standard describes goals that are to be implemented in the facility's internal care guidelines ( care standard ). Through the expert group of the German Network for Quality Development in Nursing , over 250 literature titles were considered and analyzed for their relevance. The care standard consists of 18 corresponding structure, process and result criteria and was published in February 2006. The first update appeared in January 2013.

According to the Kellogg International Work Group on the Prevention of Falls by the Elderly (1987), a fall is defined as "any event that causes a person to inadvertently lie on the ground or on a lower level". Events that occur as a result of a shock, loss of consciousness, sudden paralysis or an epileptic seizure, i.e. in particular violence, stroke , epilepsy or other neurological diseases are not included. An "increased risk of falling" is when the risk of falling goes beyond the everyday risk.

Goal setting

The standard statement defined by the nursing experts is:

"Every patient / resident with an increased risk of falling receives fall prophylaxis that prevents falls or minimizes the consequences of falls."

- Expert standard for fall prevention, page 9, Fig. 3

The reason given by the panel of experts for the objective of the standard is:

"Falls represent a high risk, especially for the elderly and sick. They often go hand in hand with serious cuts in the previous way of life, ranging from wounds and fractures to restriction of the range of motion as a result of lost confidence in one's own mobility to the loss of an independent lifestyle . Safe mobility can be promoted through timely assessment of individual risk factors, systematic fall detection, information and advice for patients / residents and relatives, as well as joint planning and implementation of measures. "

- Expert standard for fall prevention, page 9, Fig. 3

See also


  • German network for quality development in care (2006): Expert standard fall prevention in care, development - consent - implementation. 176 pages. ISBN 3-00-015082-X
  • German Network for Quality Development in Nursing (2013): Expert Standard Fall Prevention in Nursing 1st update. 160 pages, University of Applied Sciences Osnabrück, ISBN 978-3000150821
  • Clemens Becker, Ulrich Rißmann, Ulrich Lindemann: Fall prophylaxis. Fall hazard and fall prevention in homes. Vincentz Network, Hanover, 2003.
  • Angelika B. Münst: Osteoporosis Prevention: A Short Intervention to Promote Health - as an Integrative Part of the Medical Strategy? Kovac, 2005
  • Adriano Pierobon, Manfred Funk: Fall Prevention in Older People , 2007, Georg Thieme Verlag, 120 pages and DVD, ISBN 978-3-13-143761-7

Web links

  • German network for quality development in care: Fall prevention in care (link checked on February 27, 2019)
  • Andrea Icks: Expert standards in nursing. In: Rheinisches Ärzteblatt, issue 12/2004 (PDF; 25 kB)

Individual evidence

  1. Expert Standard Fall Prevention in Nursing, Development - Consenting- Implementation (February 2006), publisher: German Network for Quality Development in Nursing (DNQP), ISBN 3-00-015082-X , 176 pages
  2. a b c Preamble of the expert standard, page 6 ( Memento of the original from January 24, 2009 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /