Extensible Provisioning Protocol

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EPP in the TCP / IP protocol stack :
application EPP
transport TCP
Internet IP ( IPv4 , IPv6 )
Network access Ethernet Token
FDDI ...

The Extensible Provisioning Protocol (EPP) is a flexible network protocol for creating objects in the registration databases of the Network Information Centers (NICs). B. is used for domain registration and domain transfer .


The protocol is the result of the Provisioning Registry (provreg) working group of the IETF and was completed in 2004. The motivation for creating EPP was the need for a robust and flexible protocol for transactions between the NICs and the DNS registrars. Such transactions always take place when a domain name entry is newly registered, extended, changed or deleted. Before EPP, the registration databases did not have uniform interfaces .

Protocol properties

EPP is based on XML and is basically suitable for any ordering system. TCP or SCTP is used as the underlying transport layer or a mapping to higher protocols such as SMTP or BEEP is carried out .


Current RFCs for EPP are listed below: