Extensible Server Pages

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eXtensible Server Pages (XSP) is an XML dialect that offers the option of integrating Java code into XML documents and thereby structuring them dynamically. It was developed by the Apache Software Foundation for the Cocoon web publishing framework .

With XSP, the focus is on the separation of content, logic and presentation, so that XSP code is particularly clear and therefore easier to maintain. The Java program code is in its own XML section, which is introduced by the <xsp: logic> tag . This tag can appear any number of times within an XML file and is either inside or outside the root element ( <xsp: page> ). The Java code is compiled the first time it is called . For this reason, the loading of a website created with XSP can be delayed by a few seconds, regardless of the connection speed.

Unlike normal Server Pages, XSP pages are XML documents. In the XSP page, an abstraction in the form of self-defined tags can be used instead of HTML markup. These tags can later be converted to HTML, WML or PDF at a central location . That is the reason for the mentioned clarity and easy maintainability.

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