Five islands set

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The five-island theorem is a theorem of function theory , which goes back to Lars Ahlfors , more precisely the value distribution theory of meromorphic functions . It improves on Picard's Little Theorem and is considered to be one of the main applications of Ahlfors' geometric approach to value distribution theory.


Let be a transcendent meromorphic function and let five simply connected domains of the complex plane with disjoint closed hulls . Then there is one and for each a simply connected region such that there is a conformal mapping of on .


  • L. Ahlfors: Sur les fonctions inverses des fonctions méromorphes. Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris 194, 1145-1147, 1932.
  • L. Ahlfors: About the circles that are simply covered by a Riemann surface. Comm. Math. Helv. 5, 28-38, 1933. Online
  • W. Bergweiler: The role of the Ahlfors Five Islands Theorem in complex dynamics. Conf. Geom. Dyn. 4, 22-34, 2000. Online .

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