Principality of Coligny

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The Principality of Coligny ( principauté de Coligny , also known as Souveraineté du Revermont ) was a large sovereign area that included the Revermont and parts of the Bresse at its feet. Its main town was the city of Coligny . The first princes of Coligny are the first parents of the Coligny family .

The Principality of Coligny was directly under the King of Burgundy , as were the other sovereigns in the country.

The title of Prince of Coligny is attested for the first time around 1190/1200 and is thus one of the oldest prince titles in Europe.

It was led in particular by Hugues , who describes himself as the sovereign Prince of Coligny and Revermont in a deed of donation in favor of the Charterhouse of Portes im Bugey , which begins as follows:

Dominus Hugo de Coloniaco, miles, magnificus princeps Coloniensis , dedit Deo et fratribus Portarum pro remedio animæ suæ ac parentum suorum, quicquid habebat in eremo Portarum, et quicquid de feudatariis illius dono vel emptione acquirere potuerunt.
Herr Hugo von Coligny, knight and splendid Prince of Coligny , gives God and the brothers of Portes, for the sake of his soul and that of his parents, everything he possesses in the desert of Portes and everything that the brothers buy or sell could acquire from his feudal men.

The prince of Coligny thus belonged to the princes of Burgundy (or "princes of the Kingdom of Burgundy" - principes regni Burgundiæ or principes Burgundiæ ).

From the 13th century onwards, the principality dissolved through inheritance divisions. The following gentlemen were: