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Type: Earth observation satellite
Country: TaiwanRepublic of China (Taiwan) Taiwan
Operator: National Space Organization
COSPAR-ID : 2006-011A through 2006-011F
Mission dates
Dimensions: 416 kg (together for all six sat.)
Begin: April 15, 2006, 1:40 UTC
Starting place: Vandenberg Air Force Base , SLC-8
Launcher: Minotaur 1
Status: active
Orbit data
Track height: 500 - 800 km
Orbit inclination : 72 °
Components of a FORMOSAT-3 / COSMIC satellite

FORMOSAT-3 or COSMIC ( Constellation Observing System for Meteorology, Ionosphere, and Climate ) is a satellite project of the USA and the Republic of China in Taiwan and is part of the FORMOSAT program. The mission consists of six small satellites (FORMOSAT 3A - FORMOSAT 3F), which were launched on April 15, 2006 together with a Minotaur launcher from Vandenberg .

The mission cost a total of $ 100 million. About 80% of this is financed from Taiwan. Added to this is the American share, to which various institutions contribute, including NASA , the US Air Force and the Navy . However, the data will be made available to researchers around the world.

Mission objectives

The satellites are used to study the earth's atmosphere. To do this, the COSMIC / FORMOSAT-3 receive from GPS satellites during so-called satellite sinkings (occultations). Vertical profiles of temperature and humidity can be derived from the change in the signals. The COSMIC / FORMOSAT-3 data are used for research in the field of meteorology , but also to improve predictions of space weather (i.e. changes in the ionosphere / magnetosphere and similar phenomena). The radio occultation technique was proposed by the JPL in the 1960s to study the vertical structure of planetary atmospheres. This measurement method has been used very successfully on board the German research satellite CHAMP since 2000, and continuously on board the GRACE satellite since May 2006 .

Mission history

The satellites were launched on April 15, 2006 from Vandenberg . Initially, they were placed in a transitional orbit at 500 km altitude, with FM1 remaining on this orbit, but all other satellites were placed in an 800 km orbit until mid-2007. Ground contact was made with all satellites, they are in good condition with minor problems. For example, with FM2 only one solar panel works and with FM3 the alignment motor of the solar panels does not work. The first scientific measurements were carried out shortly after the start. In November 2006, more than 1500 atmospheric measurements were recorded daily. After reaching the planned orbit configuration, more than 2500 atmospheric measurements are expected daily, which will be transmitted to Earth via S-band communication.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Formosat-3 Fact Sheet (Orbital) (PDF file; 1.38 MB)