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FTPFS is a virtual file system for Linux , which is based on the File Transfer Protocol (FTP).

FTPFS was originally designed as a standalone Linux - kernel module developed, but later in the LUFS integrated suite. LUFS was superseded by FUSE , where it was further developed as curlftpfs as of April 2007 , based on the universal HTTP and FTP library libcurl .

Curlftpfs is already included in current Linux distributions such as Debian (from version 4.0 Etch), Fedora , openSUSE (in version 10.3) or Gentoo Linux .


FTP does not support random access to files . The so far last release of CurlFtpFs (0.9.1) therefore keeps a file to be written in memory until it is closed. It is only then completely transferred when it is closed. In the case of large files, this can mean that the available RAM of the client is no longer sufficient.

See also

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