Specialist society for palliative geriatrics

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The specialist society Palliative Geriatrics e. V. (FGPG) is a non-profit organization of geriatric nurses, scientists, doctors, hospices , palliative care specialists and volunteers. It was founded in 2015 on the occasion of the 10th Palliative Geriatrics Conference in Berlin and has the objective of promoting supra-regional exchange in German-speaking countries and the further development of palliative geriatrics . The chairman of the board is Dirk Müller.

About society

The professional society brings together people and institutions in Germany, Austria , Switzerland , Luxembourg and South Tyrol . The aim of all those involved is the establishment and sustainable implementation of palliative geriatrics in these countries with their different care settings. As part of a general assembly in 2017 in Berlin, the interdisciplinary course for palliative geriatrics 2017–2018 and an academy in Vienna in 2018 , numerous participants took part in the development of a common, transnational understanding of palliative geriatrics.


The primary goal is to care for the very old, for people with dementia and for their relatives and loved ones. Society also endeavors to provide palliative care in the care of the elderly and in hospice work, as an inpatient, outpatient and at home. Society tries to pursue new and old approaches in order to enable the very old to enjoy a good quality of life until the end. To this end, it promotes the necessary palliative geriatric skills in elderly care with the help of networks and the exchange of experiences in order to enable appropriate conditions for the patients . The older patients should be treated with dignity.

Another goal is to make palliative geriatrics known, especially in German and Austrian politics. Standards for palliative geriatrics are to be set through quality recommendations by society. To this end, there should also be international trade.

Publications as editor

As a content-related organization, the FGPG publishes a specialist journal, but also articles, specialist articles, suggestions and fundamental positions.

  • Covid-19 pandemic: Aspects of palliative care for old and frail people at home and in retirement and nursing homes (in German and English)
  • Katharina Heimerl, Marina Kojer, Roland Kunz, Dirk Müller: Policy Paper Palliative Geriatrics . Hospiz Verlag, Berlin 2018
  • Karin Böck, Katharina Heimerl, Marina Kojer, Roland Kunz, Dirk Müller, Ursa Neuhaus, Manuela Röker: Policy paper on autonomy and self-determination with regard to palliative geriatrics . Hospiz Verlag, Berlin 2019

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