Specialist institute for tax consultants

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The Fachinstitut der Steuerberater is an interest group organized as a non-profit association based in Cologne .

goals and tasks

The aim of the institute is the scientific collaboration on the interpretation and further development of tax law as well as on the tasks of business taxation to promote the general public. It organizes specialist meetings for its members and holds tax conferences and congresses. The institute also creates and publishes expert reports and papers.


Institute members can become independent tax consultants, auditors, lawyers and university lecturers. Furthermore, persons who work professionally in tax law in universities, companies and associations as well as organizations of members of tax advisory professions.


The specialized tax consultant institute was established in 1947 by renowned Cologne tax consultants and specialist scientists in order to promote the connection between tax consultancy practice and science in the years after the Second World War.


The Department Institute of Tax Advisors gives after the legal and political scientist Armin Spitaler named Spitaler plaque, a gold-plated medal with the profile of Armin Spitaler, to personalities for their contributions to the Institute. Furthermore, since 1953 it has awarded the Gerhard Thoma Prize for the promotion of tax law and business taxation .


  • Steuerberater-Jahrbuch 2016/2017, Fachinstitut der Steuerberater (Ed.), Cologne 2017, ISBN 978-3-504-62663-1
  • Steuerberater-Jahrbuch 2017/2018, Fachinstitut der Steuerberater (publisher), Cologne 2018, ISBN 978-3-504-62664-8

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Tax law at the University of Bonn, Rainer Hüttemann / Christian Waldhoff (eds.), P. 15, Berlin 2008, ISBN 978-3-8258-1335-2