Family ID

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The family card is an official document in Switzerland in which the spouse and their children are entered, together with any dates of birth and death.

In 2005 it replaced the family booklet, a document that had been issued in Switzerland until then , which spouses received upon marriage (and, if requested, single persons) and which provided information about the “existence of the family”. The booklet had to be presented to the registry office in the case of births and deaths , as well as in the case of immigration from another municipality.

The family booklet was abolished with the introduction of the Swiss-wide electronic Infostar register . Instead, an extract from the Infostar entry is used, under the name family ID .

In addition to the family ID, which is tailored to classic circumstances, there are also other IDs and confirmations that are personal and more in line with the respective curriculum vitae / change and / or purpose - such as the ID of personal circumstances , birth certificate and marriage certificate and the civil status ID . Your current status must be requested from the responsible municipality / city administration.

Germany, Austria

In Germany and Austria the corresponding document is called the Family Register .