Color representation

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Color representation is the technique of representing color. In the case of color representation, the color or the impression of the color is achieved by mixing colors . Generally two color models are used. Either the “ additivecolor model ( RGB ) or the “ subtractive ” color model ( CMYK ). The additive model is used to display the color on screens, the subtractive model to display the color on a printed product.

Impression of color

The perception of color is a sensation that is caused by external stimuli of the eye in the brain. Color perception is a complex process based on physical, physiological and psychological processes. A color impression is created by an object or a light source that is viewed by an observer. Light sources emit electromagnetic radiation and thus shine themselves. An object reacts differently depending on its nature. It absorbs light, reflects light or re-emits light. If the light is completely absorbed, the object appears as black.

Display on the monitor

Application of the additive process. The basic rule here is that each monitor displays each color in a different shade. This is because the phosphorus can be different everywhere. Some monitor manufacturers announce what phosphorus values ​​are used in their monitors. This is the reason why z. B. "blue" looks different on different monitors. Calibration and profiling of the monitor determine the end result. This is important for the producers of monitor displays, but also for the viewer of a website.

Color display additiv.jpg

Presentation in print

Use of the subtractive method. The appearance of color in the print depends heavily on the nature of the material on which the color is printed. The picture in a daily newspaper appears different than that in a glossy brochure. The paper in a daily newspaper is very thin and greyish in appearance. The nature of the paper indicates the percentage of the color that can be applied so that it can be used e.g. B. do not run into each other. Pure white cannot be displayed in a daily newspaper.

Color display subtraktiv.jpg

Color profiles

Color profiles are descriptions of devices for dealing with colors, e.g. B. printers, scanners or monitors. see color management

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