Farmacia di Santa Maria Novella

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Counter in the sales room

Officina Profumo Farmaceutica di-Santa Maria Nuova (also called Farmacia di Santa Maria Novella known) is a historical pharmacy in Florence ( Italy ). It is located in Via della Scala in the immediate vicinity of the Basilica di Santa Maria Novella .


1221 was of Dominican - monks as part of the Monastery of Santa Maria delle Vigne founded and is still in operation continuously. The origins of the pharmacy have been documented in the library since 1381 and describe the herb cultivation of the Dominicans in their gardens and the recipes for the medicines, infusions, ointments and disinfectants they made that they used for the convent's infirmary.

In 1612 it was first mentioned in the history books as a public pharmacy with its current location. The manager of the pharmacy at that time was "Fra Angiolo Marchissi", to whom the Grand Duke Cosimo II. De 'Medici granted the honor of decorating the pharmacy with the award "Fonderia di Sua Altezza Reale".

In the 18th century the reputation of the pharmacy spread to other countries such as Russia, India and China on the basis of the formulas worked out by the monks.

After the church property was confiscated by the Italian government in 1866, the property of the pharmacy fell to the state. Cesare Augusto Stefani , the nephew of the last church pharmacy manager, was entrusted with the management of the pharmacy . Stefani later bought the pharmacy. After that, the pharmacy was run by the same family in four generations.


The tradition is still upheld today under the leadership of Managing Director Eugenio Alphandery . Today, however, the products are manufactured in an Art Nouveau building three kilometers from the pharmacy. Here, the products are manufactured using appropriately developed machines that have been designed for the company's special processing needs. All preparations are made from natural herbs and lipids and without animal testing. Santa Maria Novella grows its medicinal herbs for most of its products in the hills around Florence. The Farmaceutica di Santa Maria Novella SpA sells its products not only in Florence, but also in major Italian cities. There are also branches in France, Spain, Belgium, England, the USA , Japan, Taiwan, Korea, Thailand and the Philippines.

It is considered the oldest pharmacy in Europe. On this occasion, an Italian philatelic edition was dedicated to her in 2012 for the 400th anniversary.

Historical devices and machines

The farmacia is also one of the architectural features in the city of Florence and is equipped with numerous wall paintings, precious wooden cabinets, oil paintings and valuable porcelain. Part of the pharmacy is now accessible as a museum. Further special individual pieces from the early days of the company can be found in the Museo di storia della scienza di Firenze . In the adjoining chapel there is a library with old recipe books and documents.

Individual evidence

  1. Description and illustration of the 75 cent stamp on (Italian)
  2. Guida d'Italia, Firenze e provincia (“Guida Rossa”). Edizioni Touring Club Italiano, Milano 2007.

Web links

Commons : Farmacia di Santa Maria Novella  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 43 ° 46 ′ 27.6 "  N , 11 ° 14 ′ 52.4"  E