Fayuan Zhulin

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Fayuan zhulin ( Chinese  法苑珠林 , Pinyin fǎyuàn zhūlín, "pearl forest in the Dharma garden") is a collection of Buddhist texts compiled by Dao Shi (道 世, a monk of the Tang period) around 668 AD , consisting of 100 juan (卷 "Chapter", "Scroll") exists. It contains Buddhist and other texts of the time, of which no other tradition is known, and is therefore an important source for this time in several scientific disciplines. In the Ming period it was used to reconstruct older Zhiguai collections.

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Individual evidence

  1. Chinese Literature - Fayuan Zhulin 法苑珠林 "The Pearl Forest in the Dharma Park". In: Chinaknowledge - a universal guide for China studies. Ulrich Theobald, accessed on April 3, 2014 (English).
  2. Chinese Literature - juan 卷 "scroll" or "chapter". In: Chinaknowledge - a universal guide for China studies. Ulrich Theobald, archived from the original on January 16, 2013 ; accessed on April 3, 2014 .