Feline eosinophilic enteritis

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The Feline Eosinophilic enteritis is a disease in cats caused by a bowel disease ( enteritis ) with infiltration of eosinophils is characterized. It can occur as part of a food allergy or as a manifestation of the hypereosinophilic syndrome (HES). The cause of HES is unknown; immunopathological or neoplastic processes are suspected .

Clinically, the disease presents with small intestine diarrhea , vomiting and weight loss.

A biopsy of the intestinal wall is required for diagnosis . Typical are eosinophilic infiltrates, which in HES also occur in other organs such as the liver , spleen , bone marrow and lymph nodes . A eosinophilia in the blood is frequent.

The treatment of HES is usually futile; even high doses of prednisolone usually do not improve the condition. In the case of mild forms, however, the prognosis is good; here an elimination diet in combination with prednisolone usually leads to healing.


  • Nelson / Couto: Small Animal Internal Medicine . Mosby 2003, p. 449.