Feria de Colima

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The Feria de Colima , actually "Feria de Todos Santos Colima", is the largest fair in Colima , and thus one of the largest fairs in Mexico . The fair has been held almost every year since 1572 in the first weeks of November and, in addition to market stalls and exhibitions, hosts a variety of local restaurants . Of course, there are also entertainment options here, such as mechanical games, ghost and roller coasters, concerts and cockfights .


The original main purpose of this festival was to sell goods that had arrived at the port of Manzanillo . At the beginning of November, the Christian festival of All Saints' Day (November 1st) and the indigenous festival “ Dia de los Muertos ” (November 2nd) take place almost simultaneously in Mexico . The celebration of these two festivals was celebrated very early in Colima together with the market in order to appeal to a larger group of customers. One of the earliest references to the Feria de Colima can be found in 1572. In 1826, this fair was first officially referred to as Feria de Todos Santos by José María Jerónimo Arzac . Since then, the Feria has taken place every year with a few exceptions:

  • In 1941 the Feria did not take place due to a strong earthquake .
  • In 1947 and 1948 the fair did not take place due to an epidemic .
  • In 1959 the Feria did not take place because of a hurricane .

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