Telecommunication vehicles
The Fernmeldekraftwagen (FmKw) belongs in Germany to the management / communication specialist group of the technical relief organization .
- a 4 m band walkie- talkie
- Field communication system AWITEL
- Field communication system OB (10-way switchboard, 10 field telephones FF54)
- 8 drums of field cable of 800 m each (2 wires)
- 6 drums of remote field cable of 400 m (4 wires)
- 4 drums of connection cable of 250 m (20 wires)
- Tool
- Barrier material
- Weather protection clothing
- Safety vests
- Occupational safety equipment
The vehicle is used to transport the telecommunications team (1 + 6 seats) and has a payload of 3 tons. Its equipment should make it possible to lay a self-sufficient, i.e. independent telephone line for communication over long distances and in remote regions. In addition, it should be possible to pick up and extend dial-up connections, build and maintain fixed networks, build feed lines for directional radio or wireless dial-up networks and set up field-based dial-up networks and create DSL connections.