Fairground system

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Fixed place system for 3 goods.

A fixed place system (also called static storage ) is an organization system in a warehouse . Each stored good is assigned a fixed place where only this may be stored. The fixed space system is suitable for goods with a small fluctuation in the mean inventory, as the fixed storage space achieves a low packing density . In contrast, the utilization of the area is higher with dynamic storage . The fixed place system has the advantage of visualizing excess stocks or shortages and is therefore often used in the context of lean production systems. Due to the need to define a maximum storage quantity, flow racks can be used in fixed-space systems to maintain the FIFO principle .


  • Sebastian Kummer, Oskar Grün, Werner Jammernegg, Stefan Treitl (2018): Fundamentals of procurement, production and logistics 4th edition, Pearson Studium, ISBN 3-868-94287-4