Fikriye selenium

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Fikriye selenium boxer
Birth Name Fikriye selenium
Weight class Bantamweight
nationality Turkish
birthday 1975
place of birth Cologne
Combat Statistics
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Fikriye selenium (* 1975 in Cologne ; married Fikriye selenium Okatan ) is a former Turkish boxer in the Bantam weight .

Fikriye selenium began 13 with Judo and changed with 15 for kickboxing because it "was too limp Judo". She started boxing when she was 20. During her active time with the pugilists Köln-Kalk she won several Turkish championship titles and the vice-European championship title. After the end of her active career, she is now working as a business economist.

With TV appearances like in Wetten, dass ..? , the documentary A Girl in the Ring and with advertising contracts like Puma , Fikriye Selen became known to the German audience. Furthermore, she has contributed to making women's boxing popular in Germany and Turkey.

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