Fire Dynamics Simulator

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Fire Dynamics Simulator
Basic data

developer NIST , VTT and others
Current  version 6.7.0 (FDS), 6.7.1 (SMV)
(June 2018)
operating system Linux , Windows , macOS
programming language Fortran 2008, c
License public domain

The Fire Dynamics Simulator ( FDS ) is an internationally widely used program for simulating fires. For this purpose, FDS simulates, among other things, three-dimensional flows based on the Navier-Stokes equations , the underlying fire process, the spread of fire and smoke as well as thermal radiation. In German-speaking countries, programs for simulating flows are known as 'field models' and internationally as CFD codes ( Computational Fluid Dynamics ).

The software is distributed unconditionally (in the public domain ) as free software, including the source code .


Part of the FDS program package is Smokeview (SMV). While FDS as a pure simulation program only simulates the fire scenarios to be created in a text editor, the results are visualized by Smokeview. To this end, Smokeview masters various display techniques. The evaluation can take place in two or three dimensions, as a still image or animated. A special feature here is the almost photo-realistic visualization of fire smoke.

FDS + Evac

In addition to the simulation of fire-induced currents, FDS offers its own model for carrying out evacuation simulations , which is developed by Timo Korhonen at the VTT.


FDS and Smokeview are mainly developed at the American National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) by Kevin McGrattan, Glenn Forney and Randy McDermott and are available for download there free of charge and open source.

For some years now, significant parts of the program have also been contributed by other organizations, such as the Technical Research Center of Finland VTT. Jason Floyd (Hughes Associates, Inc.) and Simo Hostikka (VTT) should be mentioned here in particular.

The current version 6 of FDS and SMV has brought some innovations with it. In addition to a significantly improved model for simulating the combustion process, FDS 6 is the first to offer a model for simulating ventilation systems.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Fire Dynamics Simulator with Evacuation ( Memento from January 25, 2014 in the Internet Archive )