Circular economy

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The surface recycling is a holistic strategic approach to (re-) use of fallow land and reduction in area consumption , at the same time to requests from climate protection , energy efficiency , environmental remediation and urban development responding.

On the one hand, existing, underutilized areas such as fallow land and vacant lots should be valued. Areas previously used that cannot be considered for structural re-use are released from the area cycle by means of renaturation.

Situation and history of development in the European Union

The approach was developed and tested by the German Institute for Urban Studies (DIFU) between 2003 and 2007 in five German city regions. Since 2010, the experience has been put into practice in six European countries - Germany, Italy, Austria, Poland, Slovakia and the Czech Republic - in the EU project Circular Flow Land Use Management (CircUse) under the direction of the Institute for Ecology of Industrial Areas (IETU) in Katowice - transferred. The strategy includes four areas of work:

  • Communication and knowledge transfer
  • Transnational data and monitoring system for land use
  • Management structures for the circular economy
  • Action plans and implementation of pilot projects.

The results to be obtained by 2013 are to be incorporated into the content of the regional funding from the ERDF 2014–2020. In addition to improved recording and planning instruments, a. Cost-benefit analyzes and new forms of taxation proposed as instruments to reduce net land consumption.


In its Climate Protection Plan 2050 , the German federal government has declared the circular economy with a land consumption of "net zero" as the target.

Individual evidence

  1. Position paper of the CircUse project, Bratislava 2011 (pdf)
  2. Environment Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (ed.): Climate Protection Plan 2050: Climate Protection Policy Principles and Goals of the Federal Government . November 2016, p. 68 ( [PDF; 2.0 MB ]).


  • Thomas Preuß, Uwe Ferber (2006): Circular Flow Land Use Management . German Institute of Urban Affairs, Berlin. Occasional paper.
  • German Institute for Urban Studies (Thomas Preuß et al.) (2007): Perspective area cycle economy - a special publication series of the ExWoSt research field "Area in a circle" . Edited by the Federal Office for Building and Regional Planning (BBR). on-line

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