Flag of Khakassia

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Flag of Khakassia
aspect ratio 1: 2
Historic flag from 2002 to 2003
Historic flag from 1993 to 2002
Flag 1992-1993

The flag of Khakassia is the official flag of the Republic of Khakassia . During the Soviet era there were different flags for Khakassia. After the collapse of the Soviet Union , the republic was re-established and got a new flag, which was changed for the first time in 1993 and replaced by a new, modified version on September 24, 2003.

Properties and color meaning

The flag has a ratio of 1: 2 and consists of three horizontal stripes of equal size and one green stripe. The stripes are blue, white and red. A yellow and white symbol of the Khakass Turkic people can be seen on the green stripe, which was already used in older Khakass flags. Before 2003 the colors were white, blue and red; from 1992 to 1993 the symbol was black.


  • Alfred Znamierowski: Flag Encyclopedia . Delius Klasing Verlag, Bielefeld 2001, ISBN 3-7688-1251-0 .

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