Freshwater fish speckle disease

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The spot disease of freshwater fish is a widespread freshwater fish under fish disease. It is caused by bacteria, a connection with above-average organic pollution of the water is likely.


The spotted disease occurs in lakes, rivers and ponds and has so far been observed in pike , cyprinids (carp-like), perch-like and whitefish .


In the initial stages of the disease, patchy redness forms on the body. In the further course, the scales , if any, detach from the affected areas. Ulcers develop that spread out flat. All fins, especially the caudal fin, fray and the anus protrudes. In contrast to the other fish species, ascites sometimes develop in cyprinids and ulcers also develop on the head and jaw region in pike.

root cause

The spot disease is caused by bacteria of the genera Pseudomonas and Aeromonas , mostly in connection with strong organic pollution of the water.


In contrast to wild waters, medicinal treatment is possible in ponds. The fish population in wild waters must be fished and all fish affected must be disposed of safely. In order to permanently combat the disease, it is often necessary to reduce the organic pollution of the water.