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Florentianus was a Frankish maior domus ( house man ) in Australia around 589.

Nothing is known about his origins and youth. Around the year 581 he is recorded as envoy to the Suebian king Miro in Galicia . In 589, King Childebert II sent Florentianus, the maior domus reginae (house manager of Queen Brunichild ) and Romulfus, his comes palatii (for example count palatine), as disciptores (tax appraisers ) to Poitiers and Tours. On July 4th, the feast day of St. Martin , they witnessed a healing and Florentianus told Gregory of Tours about miracles in Galicia which King Miro had told him about. Gregory obtained tax exemption for his city from King Childebert and Florentian returned to Australia.


  • Gregory of Tours, Historiae
  • Gregory of Tours, Miraculorum libri VIII, Mir. S. Mart.



  1. ^ A b Gregor von Tours, Mir. S. Mart., IV, 6-7
  2. ^ A b Gregory of Tours, Historiae IX, 30