Employment Injury Fund

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The Accidents at Work Fund is a Belgian public social security organization based in Brussels. It was donated in 1967 after the merger of several aid organizations for victims of work accidents.


In its capacity as a public body, the fund aims to make an active contribution to the optimal effect of the occupational accident sector within social security.


A management committee is responsible for the strategic management of the fund. It is supported by four technical committees made up of equal numbers of employee and employer representatives. The day-to-day management of the fund is entrusted to a general manager and her assigned general manager. They are supposed to carry out the decisions that are made by the Administrative Committee. They are assisted by the directors of the various services of the fund.


Most of the Fund's applications relate to work and commuting accidents in the private sector . These accidents are regulated by the Belgian law on accidents at work of 10 April 1970. The accidents in the public sector are the Belgian law on the prevention of or compensation for accidents at work, commuting accidents and occupational diseases in the public sector regulated July 3, 1967th The fund has less power to deal with these accidents. He just makes sure that the law is respected and that the victims are informed.

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