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Formannskapsdistrikt refers to a historical political and administrative unit in Norway , which was introduced by law ( "formannskapslovene" ) on January 14, 1837. According to § 1, each prestegjeld should form its own formannskapsdistrict .

In this way the ecclesiastical division of the country also became a secular administrative division. Norway consisted of 373 Formannskapsdistricts in 1837 .

Another law (“ matrikkelloven ”) introduced the term “ municipality” ( herred or on nynorsk herad ) in 1853 as a replacement for formannskapsdistrikt .

In 1935 Norway consisted of 682 rural communes ( herreder ) and 65 urban communes ( bykommuner ). Of the cities, 43 had the status of a city with market rights ( kjøpstad ) and 22 as a city with stacking rights ( ladested ).

The distinction between urban and rural municipalities was abolished with the Municipal Law ( kommunelov ) of September 25, 1992.

Sources and individual references

Formannskapsdistrikt in the Norwegian Wikipedia (as of October 15, 2007)

  1. a b Norwegian Statistical Yearbook 2007 ( Statistisk årbok 2007 )