Research Frankfurt

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Research Frankfurt is a popular science magazine published by the President of the Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main .

The magazine was first published in 1983, initially in five, now three issues per year. The respective focal points come from the humanities and social sciences, as well as natural sciences and medicine. When making their selection, the editors are inspired by specialist congresses taking place in Frankfurt. In 2000 an extensive special volume on the history of the university was published.

The circulation of the magazine Research Frankfurt , which appears in DIN A4 format, is 8,000 copies. It is kept in numerous academic libraries and is available for retail, subscription and online. The editors include Ulrike Jaspers (humanities and social sciences) and Anne Hardy-Vennen (natural sciences and medicine). The International Standard Number is ISSN  0175-0992 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Information Service Science
  2. Proof in the journal database