Research Data Center Education

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The Research Data Center (FDZ) Education was set up as a service at the German Institute for International Educational Research in Frankfurt am Main at the beginning of 2012 in order to systematically secure the sustainable documentation and archiving of data and instruments of educational research. This was a response to the increase in importance that qualitative research approaches with video, audio and image-based methods have experienced in the past decade. The FDZ Education is accredited by the Council for Social and Economic Data as a trustworthy service provider.

Tasks and content

The research data and survey instruments contained in the FDZ Education come from educational research projects, in particular school quality research, which are financed with public funds. The services offered by the FDZ focus in particular on the area of ​​qualitative data, in accordance with the identified desideratum. H. on audio-visual and auditory data and their numerical-textual evaluation and documentation materials. Data types included are v. a .:

  • Video recordings e.g. B. from observed teaching situations and interviews
  • Audio recordings of interviews (e.g. with teachers)
  • Transcripts of the video and audio recordings
  • Narrative descriptions of the observed setting (e.g. lesson descriptions for videographed lessons)
  • Codings for videographed situations (e.g. overviews in the form of tabular representations of the course of a lesson over time) as a low inferential observation instrument.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Alexander Schuster, Doris Bambey: Potentials of a central availability of data and instruments in the research data center (FDZ) education . In: ZISU - Journal for interpretative school and teaching research . tape 3 , no. 1 , February 17, 2014, ISSN  2195-2671 , doi : 10.3224 / zisu.v3i1.15492 ( [accessed July 10, 2017]).
  2. ^ Research Data Center Education (FDZ Education) at the German Institute for International Educational Research (DIPF) | RatSWD - Council for Social and Economic Data. Retrieved July 10, 2017 .
  3. Bambey, Doris; Rittberger, Marc: The Research Data Center (FDZ) Education of the DIPF Qualitative data from empirical educational research in context . In: Huschka, Denis; Garlic, Hubert; Oellers, Claudia; Solga, Heike (Hrsg.): Research infrastructures for qualitative social research . SCIVERO Verlag, Berlin 2013, p. 63-71 .